
Which Do All Plants Need

Needs of Plants

Water droplets on a leafage (Kyle Szegedi, Unsplash)

H2o aerosol on a leaf (Kyle Szegedi, Unsplash)

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Plants have specific needs - light, air, water, nutrients, and space - to survive and reproduce.

Nigh all plants demand these five things to survive:

  • Light
  • Air
  • Water
  • Nutrients
  • Space to grow

Most plants need light, water, air, nutrients and space to grow in order to survive

Most plants need calorie-free, water, air, nutrients and space to grow in society to survive (©2022 Permit'due south Talk Science).


Plants unremarkably get the light they need from the Dominicus. But they can also grow in artificial light. Plants use light free energy to make a type of sugar called glucose. They use glucose equally their energy source.

Plants make glucose in a office of their leaf cells called the chloroplast. Each chloroplast contains a green pigment called chlorophyll. It's what allows the constitute to absorb light energy.

Plant cells with visible chloroplasts. The chloroplasts are the roundish, bright green ovals (Source Dr. phil.nat Thomas Geier, Fachgebiet Botanik der Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim

Plant cells with visible chloroplasts. The chloroplasts are the roundish, brilliant green ovals (Source: Dr. phil.nat Thomas Geier, Fachgebiet Botanik der Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons).

If a establish doesn't receive enough light, information technology volition grow very slowly. But likewise much low-cal can cause the constitute and the soil it lives in to dry out.

Unlike plants accept unlike light requirements. Some need brilliant or direct calorie-free. Others tin can thrive in dimmer or indirect light.

Misconception Warning

Nearly all plants need lite to survive but in that location are a few special exceptions. Some parasitic plants like the corpse lily do non have chlorophyll and only get their energy by stealing it from other plants.


Air contains many gases. They include nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.

Graph showing the percentages of the different gases that make up air

Graph showing the percentages of the different gases that make up air (Source: Permit's Talk Science using an image past Life of Riley [CC BY-SA three.0] via Wikimedia Eatables).
Graph - Text Version

Air is fabricated up of approximately 78 percentage nitrogen, 21 percentage oxygen,  one percent argon and 0.038 carbon dioxide. Air also has very pocket-size amounts of neon, helium, krypton, hydrogen and xenon.

Using energy from calorie-free, plants chemically combine carbon dioxide and water to create glucose and oxygen. This procedure is called photosynthesis.
Plants too absorb oxygen gas from the air. Similar animals, plants demand oxygen to respire. Respiration is the process of breaking downwardly molecules, similar glucose, for energy.

Misconception Alert

Sometimes people call back that plants use estrus from the Sun for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis uses the Sun's lite energy, not its heat energy. Plants can photosynthesize in both warm and cold places. In fact, unlike plants have evolved to grow in different climates all around the world!


Plants need water for photosynthesis. Absorbed by the roots, water travels through a establish's stems to the chloroplasts in the leaves. Water also helps motion nutrients from the soil into the constitute. Likewise little water tin cause a plant to wilt or droop. Too much water can cause a plant's roots to rot.

The plant on the left (a) looks wilted, whereas the plant on the right (b) looks healthy

The plant on the left (A) looks wilted, whereas the found on the right (B) looks salubrious (Source: CNX OpenStax [CC By 4.0] via Wikimedia Eatables).

Misconception Alert

Plants tin can blot small amounts of water through their leaves. But they get most of the water they demand through their roots.


Nutrients are substances that attend a plant. In particular, plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When dissolved in water, these nutrients get absorbed by a plant's roots.
If a found tin't become the nutrients it needs from the soil, fertilizer can help. Fertilizer provides plants with essential nutrients and helps them grow faster.

Space to Grow

All living things need space. A establish's roots need space so that they can spread out and absorb h2o and nutrients. Its leaves need space so that they access light. When plants grow likewise close together, they accept to compete for these resources.

These radish sprouts are very tall and thin because they are competing for resources

These radish sprouts are very tall and thin because they are competing for resource (Source: akiyoko via iStockphoto).

Without plenty water, nutrients and light, plants can grow tall and thin or brusque and stunted. Overcrowded plants tend to be less good for you, which makes them more likely to suffer from disease.

Learn More

What Does a Establish Need to Abound?

This commodity past BBC Bitesize, with videos and a quiz, explains why plants are important, and what they need to grow properly.

Photosynthesis for Kids

This commodity by Photosynthesis Education explores what'due south needed for photosynthesis, and what happens during the procedure.


Which Do All Plants Need,


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