Vino without a dubiousness it is a projection that since its inception It has served equally the basis for the creation of other quite good projects and that just to mention a pop one, "PlayOnLinux" that even though its development is practically stranded, the project has non died. Some other well-known project that is recent (compared to others) is Proton, which has been used for steam and that many use to be able to enjoy their favorite titles on their favorite Linux distribution.

We could mention a few others, but at the cease of the day the base of all of them is Wine. And it is thatane that Wine developers have worked hard During the final years, At that place is something that many people have overlooked and information technology is to make it a little more friendly and I innovate its utilize. And in this part it is the reason why other projects have gained greater preference.

The reason why I talk about this is considering browsing the net I came across a rather peculiar project and which I found to exist excellent, because the thought and the piece of work behind information technology has slap-up potential.

About Vino Launcher

Wine Launcher is the project I am talking well-nigh and this, as its name indicates, is a Wine launcher that is oriented towards video games. Wine Launcher is a project that if y'all have tried PlayOnLinux, Lutris and / or Crossover you will immediately accept the feeling that you are with an application that takes something of each ane.

This project Information technology is characterized by being developed as a container for Windows games based on Wine.

Among the characteristics of the project stand out the modern fashion of the initiator, the isolation and independence of the system, plus provide each game with Wine and Prefix separately, which ensures that the game does not crash when updating Vino on the system and will always work.

Of the master characteristics that stand out from the project:

  • Divide the wine and the prefix for each game.
  • Power to transparently compress Wine and Games into squashfs images to salve space.
  • The ability to easily update Wine and rebuild Prefix without interrupting the game.
  • Integration with DXVK, MangoHud, VkBasalt, Winetricks, all of this is installed automatically inside the sandbox and does not require a split installation.
  • Support for multiple applications in one container.
  • There are 6 born vino repositories.
  • Diagnostic arrangement, checking the correct configuration of the organisation and installed libraries.
  • Automatically create patches when installing the game, for the power to get rid of Prefix.
  • Create shortcuts with various game launch modes.
  • The power to beautifully pattern a game launch card within Wine Launcher.
  • Counting the time spent in the game.
  • Restore monitor resolution.
  • Automatically disable desktop effects earlier starting the game.
  • There is support for CSMT, ESYNC, FSYNC, ACO, GameMode optimizations.
  • The application is translated into languages: Russian and English language.
  • Automatic update of DXVK and launcher.
  • Sound effects when navigating the launcher.
  • FPS mapping.
  • Install a game from a disk image.

Currently the projection has a lot of activeness because practically in a day it receives two updates (it is not a rule), simply it shows that it is still improving a lot than it already offers.

How to install Wine Launcher on Ubuntu and derivatives?

This awarding does non have compiled packages for each distribution, only rather a single package is more often than not distributed To which we only have to give execution permissions to be able to launch it, with which basically in nigh any Linux distribution the package is functional.

The just dependency information technology requires is to have Wine installed.

To obtain the package, simply obtain the most recent package (we can obtain this from the following link).

O from the terminal by typing:


We give permissions and execute with:

chmod +x ./start && ./start

To add a game, but click on "add new game" and the following window volition open where we will place information about the game:

  • First Name
  • Version
  • description (optional)
  • Game path
  • launcher proper name
  • arguments to the launcher (optional)
  • Add an icon (size)
  • And some additional options